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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why is it important to go straight?

Happy times, sad time, easy times, difficult times………….. I remember when I was a little girl; I used to play games like crossword, puzzles, Sudoku, and finding path etc, at the end of Sunday magazines, grammar books, newspapers and fun activities’ books. While playing finding paths I used to roughly figure out the way from the target to the starting point, and this take me less time to find way than my brother. He always tried to start from the starting point and always have lost it. The proud elder sister was happy to win every time but she forgot that her brother was learning not only to find the right way from the starting point but he was also learning to go straight and smooth on the path of life. Short cuts are surely short ways yet they leave you unanswered of many questions. I used to draw the flawless line on the path but he learnt how to correct his mistakes. Every time he lost he call me cheater, and I used to proudly accept it by saying “everything is fair in love and war…….. Winners are winners no matter what!”
Now I understand the difference between learning things in the right way and moving backwards from complex endings. Well, this trick helped me in mathematics but not in accounting hahahahhahaha I never find right answers this way, in fact I never found an exact answer, leave it, this is not the topic. The Point I want to make here is that why is that we can’t learn things as they are. I know this may be puzzling to read but yes this is the fact. Once a friend asked me a question and I simply answered him…….. He replied that come on you don’t it, it’s not that simple. I’ll ask it to someone else. He asked about this issue in a group in which two philosophers spoke well and they conclude with the statement I gave for the first time. My friend then realized that I was right.
Most of the time I found people struggling to answers complex question. And mostly the answers to those questions are as simple as a plain white cloth and as clear as clean drinking water. The problem I figured out was that they don’t have good basic knowledge about things or even if they know things, they are just following the fashion of been stuck into hard questions. My question to them is that do you learn to write alphabets first or sentences? Do you join alphabets to make words or break down words into alphabets? Do you learn digits first or tables? Why can’t you start from the start than to start from the end.
We are surrounded by crazy people. They are always full of crazy questions. And we think of them as difficult ones because we don’t trust our ability to think, analyze and answer them. Believe me my friend; if you know the basis of everything, then, you can answer anything. Go, and learn things as they are and keep your thinking as simple as you can. Don’t try to learn from thinking about complex questions (as one of my friends do, he thinks of a difficult question and then try to find its answers and memorizes it and thinks that he is ready to handle difficult situations). The path is right in front of you, Go straight and you will achieve the target!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A guy who have fallen for me!

I knew that, I knew that, the first thought that will come to your mind will be.... hooooooo she's got a boy friend. Yes my friend, I have got a boy-friend. But now this is a serious business, who could have thought that there will be someone who'd love me more than any one else. It's not others problem, It wasn't mine too. I have never been in so much aw of the fear to loose someone, and this over possessiveness has overcome me. I do not want him to go to anyone, I don't let him go to anyone. Am I being hyper-possessive? Am I holding someone for selfish reasons? Am I keeping him in trap? Am I being unfair to him? Question that has no answer.
Well, this is how it went. We met for some work, became friends for some reason. But where was that chain that holds us together? Why are we so close now? Why is that we can't live without each other? Why is that we give up things for each other? Why is that I announced him as my brother although I don't do that usually? The answers are yet to be found. But one thing that I know is that he is a blessing to me.
People are so narrow minded these days, and they call their narrow mindedness "Cultural restrictions" -phew as if I care- Many of them don't support friendship between a boy and a girl, or a girl and a boy not born of same parents being brother and sister. My message to them is that Love has no boundaries -of course not filmy love- but the love which is built in every human by God.
So here is my brother. A chubby, sweet and rocking young man. He taught me how extreme love can be, how you fall in love, how you gave up your desires for someone, how easy it would be to take difficult decisions when you know that you have a support. There's nothing much I can say, but I'm dedicating this post to him, which means that I love him and he's such a good brother.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mark, who left his marks.

People think that I'm rude, and I don't blame their perceptions. They are not quite right but I can't think good about me on their behalf. The problem is that I usually don't talk first time I meet someone. I just sit and observe, so, happened that day. A young American came to Chapel office. He's introduced to everyone. Everyone started talking to him, and I was sitting there as if I can't speak. I thought of him as another missionary who will sit in the office and some prominent personalities will be representing us, unknown of reality. Yeah yeah yeah that's not the topic (waisay I'll write about it some day.)
(Back to the story) The first smile that came to my face after meeting him was when he started speaking in Urdu. "Yes, this is it", I said to myself. And then I talked to him. It's not that I don't know English but it's because one will feel good when there is no language restriction in expressing emotions. And this was the best thing in him. No, No, No don't stop here....... He, as a self, was one of the bests. Alright days passed and we were friends.
He's a fab personality. He used to walk around campus, sit in cafeteria and chat with people. In one year, he won many souls, one of them was me. He used to talk about different issues and people talked to him without any restriction or without hesitation (remember I talked about the language thingie). I don't really have words to express how we felt after meeting him. We, at least I, never thought of him as he's an American who will leave us one day. With passing days he seemed like a Pathan from Peshawar who will take a bus and visit his city and will come to us.
Whatever the case is, those sparkling colored eyes used to sparkle our day, that smile was a source of smile on our faces, those talks gave us courage, those sittings made us confident, that ease he gave, made us confident, that person was not a person but a relation.......... brother, friend, teacher, guide, advisor!!!
It was not less than a 9.1 earthquake for me when I heard that He's leaving Pakistan, but I have my controls. I didn't have courage to meet him on his last day because I knew that I'll burst into tears. I'm happy that he's with his family but I miss him a lot too!
May God be with you Mark!!

How to waste time?

Wasting time is not an easy task. There are different ways of wasting time. One of them is to waste time by pretending that you are doing something healthy. To waste time in this manner you can follow the following steps. First, make your room a quite place for study. Then go and sit on your bed putting two pillows as a support for your back. Now take a book and pretend to read it. Then take your cell phone and pick up a friend who can talk to you uselessly to chat with by sending sms. Get your message package on. And start chatting without any reason. Now whoever comes into your room especially your mother will think and feel happy that you are busy with your readings. But actually you are wasting time. If this is not interesting and you really want to waste your time then there are many alternatives like by cleaning your room you will waste your time because it will be dirty again in a day. Then taking your dog on walk will also help you because every time it eats it will want to go for a walk.

The unforgettable dream

I was wandering in the garden. It was a garden like Eden. It had tall trees and beautiful flowers decorated. There was greenery everywhere. Suddenly, the wind starts blowing. I was enjoying the weather but after sometime the wind changed into the storm and in the couple of minute situation changed. The garden that was as beautiful Eden changed into a place like Hell. There was darkness everywhere, the greenery vanished and the flowers were gone. The environment became horrifying. Suddenly I felt that someone is standing behind me. I thought that there must be someone to help me but when I look, I saw a big giant standing in front of me. It seemed that he wanted to grab me. I closed my eyes and screamed for help. When I opened my eye, I found myself in my bed and there was my sister instead of a giant, asking me, what happened? Why are you screaming? The next day I told my sister about my dream asking the meaning of the horrible scenario and she started laughing. I asked her that why you are laughing? Then she explained me that you have seen “Alvin and Chipmunks” last night before sleeping that is why you were getting thoughts of a big giant. hahahahahhahahhaha

Once it was a dedication............. now it's just a poem!

I thank God He sent you to me
For you and I were meant to be
We have a bond too strong to break
We have a love no one can take
In you I found a love so true
My heart is filled with love for you
Every time I see you my heart skips a beat
You make my life whole, you make my life complete
My love for you grows more each passing day
The thought of your gorgeous face takes my breath away
Those brown eyes fills my soul with happiness
The day I will become yours forever
Will be the happiest day of my life
Even thinking of that day makes me smile
I can’t wait till I walk down the isle.

My first registration in bacclaureate

New, nervous, trendy, unknown
My those days are now gone
First, I thought it’s just a headache
However, later realize that we’ve to work for stomach
I remembered the day of my first registration
I felt like, what a botheration!
An English, a urdu, a MCOM, two business
Were the course selected in nervousness
From E to N, I was lost
Wanted to reach computer lab, at any cost
After reg. it began to rain
My plan to roam around the campus was all in vain
It stopped raining nearly at two
The sky was clear and blue
I asked, to take a round bro
But he said, sis, its time to go
I said, I know it is too late
But to see the campus I can’t wait
He took me around the campus one time
I cannot forget that precious time
I was enjoying the full bloom
But mom called that come back home soon
That was the day I will never forget
Just wishing, if one time, I’ll get it back.