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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mark, who left his marks.

People think that I'm rude, and I don't blame their perceptions. They are not quite right but I can't think good about me on their behalf. The problem is that I usually don't talk first time I meet someone. I just sit and observe, so, happened that day. A young American came to Chapel office. He's introduced to everyone. Everyone started talking to him, and I was sitting there as if I can't speak. I thought of him as another missionary who will sit in the office and some prominent personalities will be representing us, unknown of reality. Yeah yeah yeah that's not the topic (waisay I'll write about it some day.)
(Back to the story) The first smile that came to my face after meeting him was when he started speaking in Urdu. "Yes, this is it", I said to myself. And then I talked to him. It's not that I don't know English but it's because one will feel good when there is no language restriction in expressing emotions. And this was the best thing in him. No, No, No don't stop here....... He, as a self, was one of the bests. Alright days passed and we were friends.
He's a fab personality. He used to walk around campus, sit in cafeteria and chat with people. In one year, he won many souls, one of them was me. He used to talk about different issues and people talked to him without any restriction or without hesitation (remember I talked about the language thingie). I don't really have words to express how we felt after meeting him. We, at least I, never thought of him as he's an American who will leave us one day. With passing days he seemed like a Pathan from Peshawar who will take a bus and visit his city and will come to us.
Whatever the case is, those sparkling colored eyes used to sparkle our day, that smile was a source of smile on our faces, those talks gave us courage, those sittings made us confident, that ease he gave, made us confident, that person was not a person but a relation.......... brother, friend, teacher, guide, advisor!!!
It was not less than a 9.1 earthquake for me when I heard that He's leaving Pakistan, but I have my controls. I didn't have courage to meet him on his last day because I knew that I'll burst into tears. I'm happy that he's with his family but I miss him a lot too!
May God be with you Mark!!

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